简 介 Introduction
BDL905 The production line adopts the advantages of the similar foreign fum aces and is successfully made in China and realizes the computer control and management.
组成: 整条生产线由剪式升降台、置料台、凉水塔箱式炉、清洗机、回火炉及电气控制系统等组成。
Composition: The whole production line consists of lifting plat, loading and unloading plate, sealed box-type fumace, rinsing machine, tempering fumace and electric control system etc.
用 途: 广泛适用于齿轮、轴承、轴类零件及其它机械零件的渗碳、淬火热处理工艺。
Applications : widely used for the carburizing and quenching of gears, bearings, shafts and other mechanical parts.
特 点: 渗速快、渗层深、质量稳定。
Features : Fast carburizing, thick carburizing layer, stable quality.
主要规格参数 Main Specifications and Parameters